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Lineo and Infomart announce Q2 launch for Kaii Linux PDA

Mar 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Francisco, CA; Embedded Systems Conference — (press release excerpt) — Lineo, Inc. and Infomart today announced continued development and expected Q2 release of the Kaii personal digital assistant (PDA) utilizing the Lineo Embedix Plus PDA vertical software stack. This follows the announcement of Embedix Plus PDA integrated to run the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500D.

Based in Bangalore, India, InfoMart developed the Kaii, meaning “hand” in the local Indian language, to become India's first natively designed PDA. The Kaii was first intended exclusively for the Indian market but will most likely be offered throughout the world. The Kaii uses a Hitachi SH3 processor running at 160 MHz with 64 MB RAM and 32 MB ROM. The Kaii provides another PDA to develop to for the Linux / Java developer community.

“The Kaii targets the midrange consumer with an extremely useful PDA and the Zaurus is a high-end mobile tool,” said Alford Frost, senior vice president of marketing at Lineo . . . InfoMart selected Embedix Plus PDA to provide a stable PDA operating system based on Linux and Java with a robust set of PIM applications. The Kaii will capitalize on an army of Linux and Java developers, already developing for the Zaurus, to provide numerous applications and content for PDA users.”

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