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Linux certification body releases intermediate level exams

Dec 3, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Brampton, Ontario — (press release excerpt) — Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has announced the immediate worldwide availability of its full Level 2 certification exams.

The LPI Level 2 program consists of two exams, 201 and 202, which test intermediate-level Linux system administration and troubleshooting skills. They are now available worldwide through the VUE network of more than 2,800 testing centers for $100 each. Anyone who has already achieved LPI Level 1 certification and passes 201 and 202 qualifies for Level 2 certification. The release of 201 and 202 follows a three-month-long beta process during which the exam questions were further refined, and marks the end of an intensive nine-month development process.

The objectives for the Level Two program are published on the LPI web site, and can be used by courseware designers and book authors as well as those planning to take the exams. “Our Level One program is the target of many courses, books and other forms of Linux education,” said LPI President Chuck Mead. “LPI's vendor-neutral, trainer-neutral approach is clearly the one preferred by the community, which is why we received the 2001 Editor's Choice Award from Linux Journal Magazine as the best Linux certification program.”

Both Level 2 exams are presently available in the English language; exam 201 is also available immediately in Japanese. The Japanese-language version of exam 202 is expected to be delivered during December 2001. The LPI Level 1 exams, 101 and 102, are available in both English and Japanese.

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) develops professional certification for the Linux operating system independent of software vendors or training providers. Established as an international non-profit organization in 1999 by the Linux community, LPI develops accessible, internationally-recognized certification programs which have earned the respect of vendors, employers and administrators. LPI's activities involve hundreds of volunteers and professionals throughout the world in many different capacities, and the group encourages active public involvement through mailing lists and its website at

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