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LinuxWorld Expo embedded Linux talk: “Embedding X”

Aug 10, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

LinuxWorld — (press release) — CTO Garry Paxinos and Technical Director Stuart Anderson of Metro Link will speak at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo in San Jose, Calif., on the advantages of using the X Window System in embedded systems on Thursday, August 17 from 10:30 to 11:45 am. In their presentation, Paxinos and Anderson will explain the flexibility, reliability, and portability that make the choice of embedding X ideal for use in consumer electronics, such as set-top boxes, and other embedded systems.

“Most system designers think that X is too large to consider for their embedded application, but there are many ways to reduce it to a very usable size,” said Paxinos. “Once the size issue is out of the way, the benefits of using a standards-based system, make embedded X the most logical choice.”

Paxinos, with Metro Link since 1990, helped establish the company as a leading provider of X Window System software for UNIX, UNIX-like, Linux, Embedded Linux, and embedded systems. Initially, Paxinos was responsible for direct product development, including X servers, ports of products to various operating systems, Real-Time video support and special projects. He also developed streamlined, Web-based internal processes for product and project tracking. Paxinos currently leads the growing engineering team, participates in several international standards committees and is a member of the Board of Directors of Linux International.

Anderson, with Metro Link since 1995, is responsible for multiple platform support, including product support on Alpha and PowerPC processors. He designed Metro Link's product build environment, which produces a complete daily build of the product set on all platforms. In addition to his responsibilities at Metro Link, Anderson is also the Technical Lead for the Written sub-committee of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) project. He has been an Open Source developer for 8 years and has been involved with the XFree86 Project since 1992 and is currently a member of the XFree86 Core Team. Mr. Anderson is an active participant of SIGGRAPH, and has been a Computer Applications Lab (CAL) committee member for '98, '99, and 2000, and will chair the CAL committee in 2001.

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