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LinuxWorld: Small footprint, big impact

Jul 6, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Neoware's new Linux-based desktop appliance has inspired LinuxWorld writer Rawn Shah to proclaim that “The Great Second Coming for Linux might just be in the realm of embedded devices.” The first coming was, presumably, in the network/Internet server space. Shah writes . . .

“Already analysts are predicting that Internet-accessing smart devices will outnumber desktop computers in a few short years. Linux has an advantage in that area when compared to a platform such as Windows because of its simpler process model, low-memory footprint, and easier development environment. Some vendors have already started the move from proprietary realtime OSs to Linux. One example is Lynx Systems, now called Lynux Systems, with its BlueCat Linux. However, most analysts don't expect embedded Linux products to emerge for a while.”

“It won't take long to see some of the early birds though. One company is already hard at work, creating a useful product that falls in line with itsmarketing segment and long-term plans. Longtime terminal manufacturer Neoware has jumped into the Linux fray with a new thin-client device that runs its own flavor of embedded Linux.”

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