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MontaVista adds distribution channel in India

Apr 2, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Sunnyvale, CA — (press release excerpt) — MontaVista Software Inc. today announced that it has formed a relationship with Celestial Systems Pvt. Limited (Celestial), a service provider focused on the embedded marketplace in India. Celestial, which has offices in New Dehli and Bangalore, will distribute and support MontaVista's embedded Linux product line in India.

“India is an emerging market, with a great potential for near- and long-term significant growth,” said Raymond Mak, vice president of Asia Pacific sales for MontaVista. “Besides being a global software development powerhouse, India also has a tremendous embedded market both in traditional areas such as instrumentation, industrial and medical devices, and in the newly liberalized telecommunications market segment.”

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