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New DiskOnChip support for real-time and embedded Linux

Apr 10, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Francisco; Embedded Systems Conference — (press release excerpt) — REDSonic Inc. announced today that it is partnering with Flash memory device manufacturer M-Systems in order to provide support for M-Systems' DiskOnChip Flash memory devices under REDSonic's real-time and embedded Linux OS.

REDSonic's easy-to-use system image creation and deployment tool, RED-Builder, has the ability to target to M-Systems' DiskOnChip, thereby enabling developers to build robust and reliable embedded product solutions. RED-Builder allows the system developer to rapidly configure, build, and download file system images to an embedded target. REDSonic will be demonstrating this ability to target their images to DiskOnChip at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco this week.

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