Nine from IBM: Linux SCI, SMP Linux, Db4o, Eclipse 3.2 IDEs…
Mar 23, 2007 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsIBM has published the following new technical articles, tutorials, and downloads on its DeveloperWorks and AlphaWorks websites. They cover a range of interesting (though not necessarily embedded) technical topics, primarily related to Linux and open source system development. Some require free registration.
- Add Your Own Linux System Calls — Linux system calls — we use them every day. But do you know how a system call is performed from user-space to the kernel? Explore the Linux system call interface (SCI), learn how to add new system calls (and alternatives for doing so), and discover utilities related to the SCI.
- Unlock the Power of Linux on SMP Systems — This article explores the ideas behind multiprocessing and developing applications for Linux that exploit SMP. As evidenced by major CPU vendors, multi-core processors are poised to dominate the desktop and embedded space. With multiprocessing comes greater performance but also new problems.
- Learn to love Object-Oriented Databases again — It has been said that the database wars are over and the relational database won. However, anyone who believes this state of affairs has led to peace and prosperity among programmers hasn't tried using a relational database to back Java objects lately. Try the object-oriented alternative known as db4o.
- Build IDEs with Eclipse 3.2 on HP Itanium — Build integrated development environments (IDEs) with Eclipse 3.2.0 on HP-UX Itanium platform, which can be use to create applications as diverse as Web sites, embedded Java programs, C++ programs, and Enterprise JavaBeans.
- Run MapReduce Tools for Eclipse on Linux — Simplify the creation and deployment of MapReduce programs with IBM MapReduce Tools for Eclipse, a plug-in that can runs on Linux, Windows, or any system that can run Eclipse. It uses the Hadoop open-source MapReduce framework, which enables data-intensive applications to run on large clusters of commodity hardware.
- PHP5 and adding XSLT to the DOM and SimpleXML — PHP5 offers the developer a lot more muscle to work with XML. New and modified extensions such as the DOM, SimpleXML, and XSL make working with XML less code intensive. This article looks at input and output options, and you will learn how to use the Yahoo Web Services REST protocol interface to provide a more sophisticated showcase for the functionality of the DOM and SimpleXML extensions and concludes with the XSL extension.
- Safer forms with New PHP v5.2 fillter extentions — Accepting user input or any other data from an untrusted source is one of the most common risks a PHP developer can take when developing applications. This article will teach you how to effectively use the new input filtering extensions provided by the new PHP V5.2. called sanitizing and logical, and walkes you through examples of both. It looks at reasons for why you would use these functions for parsing and checking input.
- Five Ajax anti-patterns to avoid like the plague — If people did everything right the first time, the world would be entirely different. So it is with Ajax. There's a lot about Ajax to learn, and there are a lot of mistakes to make along the way. This article discusses some very common Ajax coding practices that can hurt you, and will want to avoid.
- Meet JOLT winner Grady Booch in Second Life — Join Grady Booch who received the Dr. Dobb's JOLT award for excellence in programming yesterday. He will be in Second Life at the IBM Codestation on March 27 at 12:00 noon EST. Learn from him all about Collaborative Development Environments (CDEs). The Jolt award he recieved is “annually bestowed on an individual who, in the spirit of innovation and cooperation, have made significant contributions to the advancement of software development. Grady will be explaining why emerging technology like CDEs are important and relevant to the developers and technical communities.
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