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OSDL, Linux International team up to target Linux at Telcos

Mar 2, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Nashua, NH — (press release exerpt) — Recognizing the opportunity for Linux to penetrate vertical markets, Linux International (LI) announced the launch of a vertical industry marketing initiative for Linux-related products and services.

The initiative will promote creation of tools to simplify Linux adoption, and will promote Linux education and awareness among the telecommunications industry.

While the telecommunications industry is the initial industry targeted by LI's initiative, additional industries will be targeted in the future.

Linux International, leveraging the value of its member companies, will conduct market research, and publish software porting guides, software migration white papers, and solution guides for the telecommunications industry. These tools will aid Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and resellers in the telecommunications industry in using or porting to the Linux operating system.

“LI is responding to the changing world of technology,” said Jon “maddog” Hall, executive director of Linux International. “This initiative demonstrates the importance of building awareness of rock solid Linux solutions in targeted industries. We are pleased to work with our members to collaborate in promotion of Linux-compatible telecommunications industry solutions.”

“We are pleased to work with Linux International and the Linux community to further the adoption of Linux in the telecommunications market,” said Timothy D. Witham, lab director, Open Source Development Lab (OSDL). “Linux International's efforts are complementary to the work of the OSDL Carrier Grade Working Group in expanding the role of Linux in applications that demand carrier grade functionality.”

A Telecommunications Industry Advisory Council is being formed by Linux International's participating member companies. The TIAC will contribute resources and oversee implementation of the program. Three companies have already joined the initiative: Compaq Computer Corporation, Cyclades Corporation, and IBM Corp.

To learn more about the program, contact Julie Thornton at 785/423-3311.

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