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Red Hat’s Tiemann: How Linux will Revolutionize the Embedded Market

May 22, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

For several years, Red Hat CTO Michael Tiemann has described Linux and open source software as “disruptive technologies” that were destined to “revolutionize the embedded software market, destroying the old status quo and replacing it with a newer, better status quo”. But what wasn't clear, was what form the “revolution” would take. Now, Tiemann believes he has figured out just what is going to happen. In a guest editorial at, Tiemann writes . . .

“I'm writing this op-ed because I think I now understand how this dynamic is playing out, and as predicted, it's not pretty. If Linux is truly going to revolutionize the embedded systems market, it's going to do so on its own terms, and the embedded systems market needs to adapt to those terms, not the other way around. I believe that the companies that can adapt in time will not only be spared the ravages of the revolution, but will emerge as the new leaders; and those that don't will, at best, become new chapters in a book by Christensen yet to be written. Let me explain . . .”

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