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Article: Report from the first Embedded Linux Expo and Conference

Jul 7, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

I'm pleased to report that the world's first Embedded Linux Expo & Conference held on June 22, 2000 in San Jose, CA was a huge success! Everyone, including both attendees and exhibitors, agreed that the event was extremely worthwhile — and most are already making plans to attend the next ELEC (October 27, Boston).

The ELEC technical conference was completely sold out by the morning of the event, resulting in “standing room only” during nearly all the presentations. Likewise, all of the expo space was fully booked by product vendors, producing an extremely vibrant Embedded Linux Expo that was bustling with the enthusiasm of a rapidly expanding market. Companies displaying their wares in the expo included: ACT/Technico, Adlink Technology, Amirix Systems, Aplio, Applied Data Systems, Applied Microsystems, Centura Software, Cowboy Industries, Embedded Linux Consortium, Espial, I-Logix, Infomatec, Intel, Intoto, Intrinsyc,, Lineo, LynuxWorks, M-Systems, MontaVista, Motorola Computer Group, OnCore Systems, PalmPalm Technologies, QNX Software Systems, Reasoning, Red Hat, TimeSys, and TrollTech.

One pleasant surprise was the international flavor of the event. Although most conference participants were from the US, the following countries were also represented: Armenia, Canada, England, Germany, Korea, China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and the UK.

The quality of the technical presentations was on a very high level. Consequently, there were numerous requests to make the slide presentations available online. You can view more information about each of the ELEC talks, including (where available) the presentation slides, using the following links:

We look forward to the next exciting Embedded Linux Expo and Conference, which will take place on October 27, 2000 in Boston, MA. and the RTC Group will announce a call for papers later this summer.

Related stories:
LinuxWorld: Small is Big (at ELEC)
2nd Embedded Linux Expo & Conference moves to Boston

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