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Researcher says 3-D SOC could restore Japan’s luster [Silicon Strategies]

Oct 14, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Tadahiro Ohmi, a pioneer in semiconductor research and technologies, is unveiling a new innovation that could revolutionize the chip industry. His new process would create a universal integrated-circuit technology: three-dimensional VLSI chips that could include virtually any circuit type — including processors, memory and sensors. Yoshiko Hara of Silicon Strategies writes . . .

” . . . Ohmi said his comprehensive process, from design through chip making, would create devices with 10 times better performance than today's chips. At the same time, he said, it would squeeze design and production time to 1/40, clean room space to 1/5 and production cost to 1/10 of what's now required . . . ”

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