Secure payment processing system design runs Linux
Nov 17, 2006 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 8 viewsVenerable silicon vendor Zilog demonstrated a Linux-based reference design for POS (point-of-sale) and financial transaction devices, at the CARTES security show in Paris this month. The “Zilog ECOSystem” runs Linux in a secure partition, sequestered from the payment network by VirtualLogix's VLX Real-Time Virtualization… product.

ZA9L reference design kit
(Click image to enlarge)
Zilog says its ECOSystem design offers everything needed to develop payment solutions such as POS terminals, PIN pads, ATMs, vending kiosks, ticketing, and postage meters. The design includes:
- Secure Real-Time Virtualization software based on VirtualLogix VLX
- A complete Linux port from MPC Data (an experienced developer of embedded Linux software, according to Zilog)
- Certified EMV Level 1 kernel from Eigen Development (EMV Level 2 port underway)
- Low-cost, compact thermal printer from Advanced Printing Systems
- Multi-standard contactless readers from Inside Contactless (a specialist in contactless chips and other technologies)
The ECOSystem design is based on Zilog's own ARM9-based ZA9L SoC (system-on-chip), and can be used either standalone or as a coprocessor, Zilog says. It is “pre-certified” to meet the Payment Card Industry's PIN entry device (PCI PED) specifications, as well as specifications from EMVCo, and provides “physical, environmental, and boot security mechanisms” aimed at thwarting fraud, according to Zilog.

Preliminary Zilog ZA9L function block diagram
Alongside Linux, the ECOSystem design runs a kernel from Eigen Development and Zilog drivers said to be certified to EMV Level 1 requirements for payment processing systems. A porting effort is also underway for an Eigen kernel supporting Level 2 EMV requirements, Zilog says.
Zilog's interim CEO, Robin Abrams, stated, “The Zilog ECOSystem provides a nearly complete system design, PCI PED compliant hardware, and EMV Level 1 certified solutions. We are looking to expand our Zilog ECOSystem solutions specifically in the design services area.”
The Zilog ZA9L appears to be sampling now. Pricing was not disclosed.
Additionally, Zilog offers its ZA9L reference design without VirtualLogix's VLX platform virtualization, enabling it to support Windows CE. Without VLX, the board also currently runs an alpha port of Eigen's EMV Level 2 kernel.
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