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Small module simplifies task of embedding Bluetooth

Mar 4, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Richardson, TX — (press release excerpt) — Cambridge Silicon Radio announced today that Zenocom has selected CSR's single-chip Bluetooth solution, BlueCore, for its latest Bluetooth Class 1 module called the BlueLink01.

The module will enable Bluetooth to be incorporated into a range of mobile phones, laptops, headsets, and PDAs and includes a variety of Bluetooth profiles to support these… applications. The modules are available now in sample quantities from the CSR website for Bluetooth designers,

BlueLink01 has a small footprint of 37 mm x 22 mm x 4 mm which is made possible by the diminutive size of CSR's BlueCore chip and is available with HCI link for UART with programmable baud rates and for full speed USB connections up to 12Mbps. The internal Bluetooth stack supports all packet types and multiple data channels at all Bluetooth data rates to suit easy integration into a wide range of Bluetooth devices.

Eric Janson, vice president North America, CSR commented, “CSR is happy to be selected by Zenocom for its Bluetooth modules.” Janson added that, “BlueCore is now featured in over 70 percent of v1.1 pre-qualified Bluetooth modules being produced across the globe.”

BlueCore integrates radio, microprocessor and baseband circuits for a 2.4GHz Bluetooth solution in a single chip. It is implemented in CMOS technology and together with an external Flash ROM, it provides a fully compliant Bluetooth system for data and voice communications. The design is optimized to require very few external RF components to allow a rapid design of the motherboard, and therefore the fastest possible time-to-market at the lowest overall cost.

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