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Article: Survey reveals embedded Linux market trends

Mar 17, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The results of's fourth annual Embedded Linux Market Survey are in! Overall, we find the results encouraging for embedded Linux as a whole, and for companies in the embedded Linux OS and tools market. This brief summary provides our interpretation of a few key data points.

Observations include:

  • No single embedded Linux vendor dominates the market
  • Tools are still important, but “Cost/Freeness” rules
  • ARM is overtaking x86, for most popular processor architecture
  • Developers favor support fees over runtime royalties
  • Embedded Linux developers aren't afraid of SCO
  • Embedded Linux popularity continues to grow

Along with colorful charts and a discussion of these key observations, complete survey data is available.

Read our “Snapshot of the Embedded Linux market” for 2004

Reports and data from past surveys:

Other related stories:

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