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Sysgo adds embedded Linux support for Kontron SBC “modules”

Oct 15, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Sysgo says its commercial embedded Linux distribution now supports various ETX format SBCs (single board computers) from Kontron. The ELinOS distribution includes a configuration utility said to free developers from needing to know specific details of supported Kontron “computer-on-modules.”

align=right vspace=5 hspace=10 src=””>Kontron's ETX “computer-on-module” SBCs are intended to be integrated into embedded systems as off-the-shelf, add-on components that free developers from the task of implementing their own processor subsystems. According to Kontron, developers using the modules need only design application-specific electronics, typically input/output interfaces controllers and associated logic.

Kontron SBCs supported by ELinOS include the ETX-P3M, ETX-VE, ETX-MGX and X-board861>.

Sysgo began shipping the current 3.0 version of ELinOS in May of 2004. The distribution is based on a 2.4.25 series kernel, and includes an Eclipse-based development environment. It also includes the ELK graphical configuration tool, which Sysgo says can be used to create ready-made boot loaders and set up cross-platform development environments without specific knowledge of the target hardware.

Kontron Product Manager Zeljko Loncaric said, “We are pleased that the question of ELinOS board support packages is addressed together by both the board and the OS supplier. In the long run, this improves the quality.”

Sysgo claimed in May 2004 that ELinOS is the best-selling embedded Linux distribution in Europe.

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