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TI to showcase embedded Linux based telematics at CES

Jan 6, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Dallas TX — (press release excerpt) — Texas Instruments (TI) will demonstrate its suite of products for consumer applications including home theater, portable media, automotive, and communications at the 2003 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), January 9-12 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Included among the demonstrations will be a telematics application that will showcase next generation features for car radios. One flexible, standalone TMS320C5000 DSP-based system simultaneously decodes compressed audio for the kids in the back seat while enhancing Mom's handsfree cell phone conversation. In the demonstration, MontaVista's Linux OS, third party mapping, and speech interface software run on TI's OMAP processor.

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