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Wireless remote access software gains security

Feb 10, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

(PR excerpt) — Witnet International, Inc. announced that it is enhancing its remote access “Mobilick” software to allow for special security-based applications.

Witnet recently announced that it would produce a Linux version of Mobilick for a security-oriented handheld device called the Paron, developed by Consumer Direct Link (CDL) and IBM. The Paron has fingerprint biometric recognition and embedded encryption. The adaptation of Mobilick for that product has led the company to create a security-oriented version of the remote access software itself.

“This application will be ideal for military and government users who require high security in communications as well as authentication of users.” said Mun Su Han President of Witnet.

Mobilick allows control over internet-connected PCs through PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) that are connected to the wireless Internet. By applying thin computing solutions, users can run complex applications via PDAs while using only the minimum system resources of PDAs. Mobilick was launched in Japan and Korea late last year and is now being introduced in North America.

Witnet will have a working version of Mobilick on the CDL device by the end of February.

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