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Archive for April, 2000

What is an Information Appliance?

April 5, 2000

Neoware offers this definition of “Information Appliance” — a term that's beginning to receive widespread use . . . (more…)

New company will focus on Linux-based clustered computers

April 5, 2000

SANDY, Utah — (company press release) — Alta Technology, a leading developer and supplier of high-performance computing solutions, has announced formation of Linux NetworX Inc. The new company will use the Linux operating system as it provides large-scale clustered computer solutions, a method of linking multiple computers through high-speed networks to form a single system, for Internet, industry,… (more…)

Andover.Net fires up Linux and open-source digital bookstore

April 5, 2000

Today Andover.Net and announced the first Linux/Open Source digital bookstore at and easily accessed through the Linux Documentation links found on Andover.Net Web sites. (more…)

TeamLinux establishes West Coast presence

April 5, 2000

Austin, Texas — (company press release) — TeamLinux Corporation today announced a new US West Coast presence through its acquisition of Edge Technology Solutions (Edge) of Irvine, California. This move closely follows similar acquisitions in Austin and Dayton, Ohio, announced last month. (more…)

Coollogic launches website for free real-time Linux kernel

April 5, 2000

Dallas, TX — (company press release) — Coollogic Inc., a leader in embedded Linux software and Internet appliances, announced today the launch of, a free community development site for embedded, real-time Linux downloads. (more…)

Coollogic Internet appliance supports set-top apps

April 4, 2000

Dallas, TX — (company press release) — Coollogic Inc. announced today the launch of its e-Pilot 7000 Series, cost-effective, easy-to-use Internet access appliances that incorporate an advanced embedded Linux operating system that has solved the challenge of a reduced kernel size to fit small, memory-lean devices like set-top boxes. (more…)

Neoware Internet appliance aims at wide range of apps

April 4, 2000

King of Prussia, PA — (company press release) — Neoware Systems, Inc. today introduced “Eon — The Anything Box” — the first customizable Linux information appliance specifically designed for business-to-business (B2B) applications. (more…)

Retrospective: The Birth of the Embedded Linux Consortium

April 4, 2000

“Last Fall, several companies in the newly emerging Embedded Linux market approached me to request that I help create a vendor-neutral Embedded Linux trade association. Initially, I used the resources of my newly established Embedded Linux Portal website ( to propose the establishment of a group called the 'Embedded Linux Consortium', or 'ELC'. (more…)

EMJ forms a new embedded Linux software company

April 4, 2000

GUELPH, Ontario, Canada — (BUSINESS WIRE) — EMJ Data Systems Ltd. today announces the establishment of white dwarf Inc. as an independent company from its embedded division. The spin off will allow white dwarf to receive independent financing. (more…)

Neoware unveils NeoLinux OS for “Appliance Computing”

April 4, 2000

King of Prussia, PA — (company press release) — Neoware Systems, Inc. today introduced the NeoLinux operating system, calling it “the first embedded Linux distribution designed specifically for business-to-business (B2B) information appliances.”

According to Michael Kantrowitz, president and CEO, Neoware Systems, “NeoLinux targets the emerging 'Appliance Computing' market, which consists… (more…)

New ARM reference and development platform supports Linux

April 4, 2000

Cambridge, UK — (BUSINESS WIRE) ARM today announced availability of the Prospector P-Series, a fully-integrated portable reference platform that provides system designers and third-party developers with rapid development, evaluation, and demonstration capabilities for ARM core-based designs. (more…)

Has the Linux “dream machine” arrived?

April 3, 2000

Mary Jo Foley writes at . . .

“Big Blue promised earlier this year to port Linux to all its server platforms. But to many that commitment sounded like little more than a platitude.” (more…)

Ateon Networks receives remote storage patent

April 3, 2000

Fremont, Calif. -- Ateon Networks Inc. announced that it was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office a patent for “Providing Remote Storage for an Internet Appliance” on March 21, 2000. The three-month old Internet appliance company also released on Monday a Linux-based diskless server appliance, IA-2020, which incorporated the new patent in a DSL/Cable router and e-mail server without… (more…)

Sony PlayStation3 to use Linux?

April 3, 2000

Richard Barry reports in this story, on ZDNet UK, that Sony may be planning to use Linux plus a 2 GHz AMD Athelon processor inside its upcoming PlayStation3 game machine . . . (more…)

SunWorld: Wireless Access Protocol set to take over

April 3, 2000

An informative article at SunWorld discusses a new protocol family for mobile devices, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), which has proposed as a standard for smart cell phones, pagers, wireless personal digital assistants. Rawn Shah writes, at, . . . (more…)