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Archive for April, 2002

Open source: IBM’s deadly weapon [ZDNet]

April 10, 2002

David Berlind explores IBM's embrace of open standards and Linux in this column at ZDNet. Berlind writes . . . (more…)

Momentum builds for Java-based iAppliances [EE Times]

April 10, 2002

EE Times editor Bernard Cole examines the movement toward Java-based devices. Cole reports . . .

“In recent months, converging market and technical developments have made building Java-based embedded and small footprint iAppliance control devices not only more practical, but a necessity . . .” (more…)

Two new mini-apps for the Zaurus Linux PDA

April 8, 2002 has two announced additional 'embedded' apps for the Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA . . . (more…)

A new era: Carrier Grade Linux for Telecommunications

April 8, 2002

This whitepaper by MontaVista Software's Glenn Seiler provides an introduction to one of the most important emerging applications for Linux — as a “carrier grade” operating system platform in public network telecommunications products. Seiler explains why Linux is rapidly becoming the OS of choice in the telecommunications equipment industry, and outlines the key requirements for what he calls “Carrier… (more…)

GNOMEnclature: Getting ready for GNOME 2 [developerWorks]

April 8, 2002

developerWorks is pleased to announce the relaunch of the Linux zone's popular GNOMEnclature column. In this incarnation of the column, Mikael Hallendal and Richard Hult of CodeFactory will give you the inside information you need to make the best use of the new GNOME 2 platform. In this series, you'll learn how to use the new and improved libraries available with GNOME 2 so that you can write your own… (more…)

PC-based data acq instrument maker releases free Linux drivers

April 8, 2002

Pico Technology has added Linux drivers to its complete range of data acquisition and digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) products. Now, by simply visiting Pico's website and downloading the free Linux software drivers, industrial, scientific, engineering and educational users can access Pico's products from a Linux platform. (more…)

Sharp launches mobile services for Zaurus Linux PDA

April 8, 2002

Sharp Electronics launched their 'Sharp Mobile Services' website today, and is offering a discount for beta testers. (more…)

Linux-based set-top box partnership targets sub-$150 market

April 8, 2002

Las Vegas, NV; NAB 2002 — (press release excerpt) — Century Embedded Technologies and VT Media Technologies today announced the formation of a strategic alliance to aggressively push into the low-cost broadband/IP set-top box (STB) marketplace. (more…)

Linux-based software stack supports IBM’s set-top box chips

April 8, 2002

Las Vegas, NV; NAB 2002 — (press release excerpt) — Mediabolic, Inc. and IBM today unveiled the Mediabolic One entertainment platform operating on IBM's PowerPC-based STB Integrated Controller at NAB 2002. The combination represents a powerful and cost effective option for manufacturers to bring next generation features to consumer electronics devices targeted at home entertainment. (more…)

Linux security breeches low, say developers

April 8, 2002

Santa Cruz, CA — (press release excerpt) — the Spring 2002 Linux Developer Survey released today by market research firm Evans Data Corp. (EDC) says that over three quarters of polled Linux developers report no incidence of outside intrusion, and even fewer report any viral attacks whatsoever. (more…)

MontaVista unveils first Linux for Carrier-grade telecom apps

April 8, 2002

Sunnyvale CA, Paris, Tokyo — (press release excerpt) — MontaVista Software Inc. today announced MontaVista Linux Carrier Grade Edition 2.1, the first carrier-grade quality Linux distribution targeted for edge and core telecommunications including applications for the converging IP and voice networks, optical networks, signaling gateways and Voice over IP (VoIP) gateways, and many other applications. (more…)

AMD unveils MIPS system-on-chip with built-in LCD controller

April 8, 2002

AMD today unveiled the latest fruit of its recent acquisition of Alchemy Semiconductor: the Au1100 processor, a MIPS-based system-on-chip that targets non-PC mobile internet apps such as webpads, telematics, and PDAs. The device contains a RISC processor which executes the MIPS32 instruction set, and is designed for a combination of high performance and low power. (more…)

Article: A new era: Carrier grade Linux for Telecommunications

April 8, 2002

In January, at Linux World in New York, a group of major global corporations — including semiconductor manufacturers Intel and IBM, and equipment providers Nokia, Alcatel, and Cisco — announced that they were joining forces with the Open Source Development Lab to define a common industry… (more…)

Two new Zaurus portal sites

April 7, 2002

A reader reports that two new community-run portal sites for the Zaurus appeared this weekend . . .

PocketAnywhere’s first look at the Sharp Zaurus

April 6, 2002

Dave Ruske takes a quick look the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 at PocketAnywhere. Ruske writes . . .

Long before anyone heard of Palm, Sharp owned a large segment of the electronic organizer market. These gadgets were little more than address books, calendars, and calculators all rolled into one, and usually offered a simple keyboard-based interface. (more…)