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Archive for April, 2002

Gtk# 0.1 released

April 12, 2002

From the Gtk# mailing list . . .

Announcing the first public release of Gtk#, codenamed 'Buttonhook'. (more…)

The 2002 O’Reilly Open Source Convention

April 12, 2002

Sebastopol, CA — (press releae excerpt) — Registration has just opened for the 2002 O'Reilly Open Source Convention, one of the most anticipated annual technical
conferences for the open source community. Creators, practitioners, and hackers come together once again at the Sheraton Hotel and Marina in sunny San Diego, California, July 22-26, 2002. (more…)

What’s an ‘ICE Box’ and what’s inside one?

April 12, 2002

When Linux NetworX announced a new appliance-like device that is used for managing rack-mounted Linux clusters, called the ICE Box, naturally wanted to crack open the ICE Box's door to find out what's inside. In this article, Linux NetworX Cluster Tools product manager Jason Lowry opens up the ICE Box and takes you on a tour of its internal hardware and software, explaining what it does… (more…)

Article: A sneak preview of Musenki’s new wireless access point

April 12, 2002

Back in November of 2000, Jim Thompson, Kem McClelland, Brad Martin, and Jamie Thompson started brainstorming about the idea creating a company to specialize on the emerging market for publicly accessible wireless access points. They reasoned that there would soon be a significant opportunity to supply devices to public access “hot-spot” providers, wireless ISP/infrastructure providers (WISPs), and… (more…)

Article: ZDNet Review: Sharp Zaurus SL-5500

April 12, 2002

Reviewing the new Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 for ZDNet, Colin Duwe examines the benefits of Linux in the device. Proclaiming the new PDA a 'budding competitor' Duwe writes . . . (more…)

Writing GTK+ Programs with the Free Pascal Compiler [Linux Journal]

April 11, 2002

In this online article from Linux Journal, Ralph Krause explains how to develop a temperature conversion application program that demonstrates some of the features of using GTK+ and the Free Pascal compiler. Krause writes . . . (more…)

Ogg player released for Sharp Zaurus

April 11, 2002

[Updated 1:00pm PDT] — (press release excerpt) — theKompany and have teamed up to bring Ogg Vorbis to the Sharp Zaurus. The result of this collaboration is the newly released tkcPlayer, the first audio playback application that supports playback of Ogg… (more…)

Create native, cross-platform GUI applications [developerWorks]

April 11, 2002

IBM Java guru Kirk Vogen shows how to use Linux, the GNU Compiler for Java, and the Standard Widget Toolkit to create fast, native GUI applications programmed in Java in this technical whitepaper at IBM's developerWorks website. Vogan writes . . . (more…)

TimeSys releases two more Embedded Planet PPC SBC BSPs

April 11, 2002

Pittsburgh, PA — (press release excerpt) — TimeSys Corporation today released complete embedded Linux solutions, including a full Linux distribution with the lowest-latency Linux kernel available, certified device drivers, GNU tool chains, cross platform development tools, and performance enhancing loadable kernel modules, for Embedded Planet's RPX Lite 850 and RPX Classic LF 855 single board computers… (more…)

Apache graduates to Version 2.0 []

April 11, 2002

Reporting for IDG News Service, Matt Berger examines the new version 2.0 release of Apache. Berger writes . . . (more…)

Red Hat bitten by Linux’s low cost [The News + Observer]

April 11, 2002

Raleigh's 'The News & Observer' Staff Writer Christina Dyrness reports on Red Hat's financial performance and the company's focus on the embedded sector. Dyrness writes . . . (more…)

Zaurus Fails to Deliver on its Promises [Wall Street Journal]

April 11, 2002

Comparing the first commercially available Sharp Zaurus Linux-based PDA with more established Palm devices, Walter Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal highlights some 'disadvantages' of the Sharp Zaurus. Mossberg describes the user interface as 'dense and complex, like on a PC', reports problems synchronizing the Zaurus with his Windows XP laptop, and cites a lack of available applications as key issues. (more…)

Article: What’s an ‘ICE Box’ and what’s inside one?

April 11, 2002

When Linux NetworX announced a new appliance-like device that is used for managing rack-mounted Linux clusters, called the ICE Box, naturally wanted to crack open the ICE Box's door to find out what's inside. In this article, Linux NetworX Cluster Tools product manager Jason Lowry opens up the ICE Box and takes you on a tour of its internal hardware and software, explaining what it does… (more…)

uClinux gets shared libraries from Snapgear

April 10, 2002

Salt Lake City, UT — (press release excerpt) — SnapGear Inc. today announced the addition of shared library support for the uClinux kernel. Shared library support yields significant memory advantages for embedded developers by allowing applications to share common code libraries rather than individually static linking them in. (more…)

uClibc 0.9.11 released

April 10, 2002

Version 0.9.11 of uClibc has been announced by Erik Andersen . . .

CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of uClibc 0.9.11. This release is primarily focused on fixing the issues that have turned up since the last release. Several bugs in the gcc wrapper have been fixed, allowing applications such as iproute2 and XFree86 to link properly. (more…)