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6th RTL Workshop: A Hardware Operating System based Approach for Run-time Reconfigurable Platform o

Nov 2, 1997 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Runtime reconfigurable embedded systems target an architecture consisting of a reconfigurable system-on-chip (RCSoC), which has hardcore or softcore general-purpose processor (GPP) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The architecture provides common execution semantics for software and hardware tasks. The partial reconfiguration abilities of the newest FPGAs are fully exploited in order to improve performance, cost, energy-efficiency, and time-to-market

In this paper, we describe the research issues and technology approaches for the development of a hardware operating system for runtime reconfigurable platform of embedded devices. We propose a specialized operating system, that will manage hardware/software task management, to allow run-time partitioning and allocation of reconfigurable FPGA area, efficient communication techniques and well-organized task scheduling methodology.

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