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Applied Computing Conference talks announced

Mar 12, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Poway, CA — (press release excerpt) — the technical program for the Applied Computing Conference is now up on the web. Visit the conference website and check out the latest sessions and tutorials offered at this year's Applied Computing Conference & Expo:

    The Applied Computing Conference & Expo 2001
    May 14-17, 2001
    Santa Clara… Convention Center
    Santa Clara, California
We are very excited about our technical program this year, featuring tutorials and technical sessions on StarFabric, CompactPCI, PCI, and PCI-X, Infiniband, embedded operating systems such as Embedded Linux, Windows CE, NTE, QNX, VxWorks, and Enea OSE. We're also featuring USB, Networking and Storage technologies, and other Advanced Architectures.

Talks specifically on Embedded Linux include . . .

  • Linux in Applied and Embedded Systems — Rick Lehrbaum,
  • Teaching Experienced Developers to Embed Linux — Gene Robinson, I-Logix
  • Tuning Linux for IA based Communication Appliances — Bill Weinberg, MontaVista
  • QoS on Embedded Real Time Linux — Al Feczko, TimeSys
With a session passport purchase, you will have the opportunity to attend the technical tracks, hear keynote addresses from leaders in the industry, including Roger Tipley, President & Chairman of the Board of PCI-SIG, and Jim Pappas of Intel, and visit the exhibit hall as well attend special event functions. Cover two important expos in one! This year we are pleased to be co-locating with the Internet Device Builder Conference. Your session pass gets you into the Internet Device Builders exhibit hall as well as the Applied Computing Conference exhibit hall. Or take a look at our Platinum Passport — giving you access to all technical sessions & tutorials, from both conferences.

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