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Building Low Cost Embedded Network Appliances with Linux

Nov 8, 1999 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 3 views

This technical paper — on building low cost embedded network appliances — presents Linux as the new standard for embedding in internet appliances and internet devices. As we look to the future, we see intelligent devices all communicating, interconnecting, and being controlled through the Internet — and we see Linux becoming the standard operating system that runs on these embedded processors.

To securely communicate over the internet, embedded appliances must be able to protect their privacy. They have to manage protocols for authentication, encryption and validation. The result is that we're seeing much more powerful microprocessors and much more sophisticated operating systems being embedded. Linux is robust, rich in features, yet quite clean and agile. Linux is therefore ideal for this embedded environment.

A second force that favors Linux is the fact that embedded appliances are of necessity very cost sensitive. Linux is, of course free.

A third reason to embed Linux, is that the bulk of the cost of developing an embedded appliance solution often lies in the software development. Linux is supported by an enormous number of programmers, world wide, and a broad set of high quality and readily available development tools.

A detailed paper, available for download at, was presented at Open Source AUG'99 in Australia in September, 1999. It takes the reader through the details of a specific embedded design project that has been underway at Moreton Bay ( As a result of using a standard Linux operating system in this embedded project, the development time was shortened and the result is a quality Internet VPN router product that was released to market in in a timely manner.

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