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CompactFlash plug-in turns Linux PDAs into USB hosts

Jun 9, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Interpocket has announced a CompactFlash device that can turn Sharp Zaurus or Linux-based iPAQ PDAs into “USB hosts”, allowing them to connect to external “USB devices” such as digital cameras, scanners, printers, and even keyboards and mice. Although these PDAs do have built-in USB ports, those ports are suitable for using the PDA as a peripheral to a host PC, not for connecting external USB devices to… the PDA.

According to Interpocket, the “Pocket PC USB Host” is USB 1.1 compatible, supporting both low-speed and full-speed operation. It terminates in a Type A socket, identical to USB host connectors found on desktop PCs, and can supply power (up to 100mA at 5V) to the external devices.

Interpocket's Pocket PC USB Host is priced at GBP 96.00 (about $160 USD) and is currently only available within Europe.

[Thanks go to Bill Kendrick for submitting this news item.]

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