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eCos OS gains C++ support

Oct 11, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 12 views

eCosCentric Ltd. has added C++ support to its developer kits for the open source eCos embedded operating system. The support, which conforms to the ISO 14882 C++ library specification, is for the GNU libstdc++ v3 run-time library. It enables eCos to support more sophisticated and complex embedded applications, eCosCentric says.

“Industry standard C++ run-time support is a key requirement for many teams, particularly those wishing to migrate from legacy proprietary RTOS environments to eCos,” explained Daniel Morris, sales and marketing director at eCosCentric. “For the first time, eCos deployments can benefit from the full richness of the C++ programming paradigm with a thread-safe run-time library that includes a Standard Template Library (STL), fully validated and supported.”

The new C++ eCos support initially targets ARM and PowerPC processor architectures.

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