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Embedded Linux at instrumentation and automation show

Sep 5, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Santa Ana, CA — (press release excerpt) — REDSonic, Inc., a specialist in real-time Linux solutions for the embedded market, today announced it will be exhibiting at the upcoming Instrumentation, Systems and Automation (ISA) Conference in Houston, Texas from September 10-13, 2001. REDSonic is expanding into the industrial control and automation market, as seen by its recent partnership with Red Flag to offer REDSonic's real-time Linux solutions for the industrial control market in China. The company sees its technology as ideal for automation projects because of the level of predictability automation and control systems require. REDSonic is branching out into the control automation industry also because of the fact that many control automation systems are embedded systems.

At ISA, REDSonic will be showcasing four demonstrations that were recently introduced at the LinuxWorld Expo & Conference in San Francisco. They include: a Linux-based gateway/firewall software solution; LinuxBIOS code for reliable, secure, fast boot, and rapid power-on solutions; a PowerPC (MPC 823) starter kit; and a thin-client Linux-based Windows terminal software solution. The company will also demonstrate new features its easy-to-use graphical tool that enables developers to customize, configure, and build embedded systems.

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