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Industrial-Strength Linux [Dr. Dobb’s]

Sep 5, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In the first in a monthly series at Dr. Dobb's Embedded Systems, Tom Genereaux sees lots of reasons (not all of them technical) to use Linux as an embedded OS. Genereaux writes . . .

“One thing that caught my eye this month was a survey by Evans Data showing that Linux is still increasing its share in the marketplace. I can attest to this, since I recently got an inquiry about putting Linux into an industrial battery charger. If Linux is reaching into the industrial arena, it has well and truly arrived.”

“In the design talks with the client, I raised concerns about Linux being overkill for this project. After all, there are lighter weight RTOSs out there that would do the job. The client, however, wanted something with a broad name recognition. Basing the device on Linux gave them a marketing advantage that none of the other RTOS's currently could provide . . .”

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