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Instant Linux server on a Flash chip

Aug 5, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A network solutions provider in Japan is selling Flash chips that it says can turn most any x86 system into an instant embedded Linux server. Infotram says its “Infobox server chips” reduce installation time, increase security and stability, and improve performance thanks to a RAM-disk based filesystem.

The Infobox chips include a 2.4.23 Linux kernel along with open source web, mail, and ftp servers and anti-virus scanning software. They support most x86 hardware on the market, according to Infotram, and advanced server features such as IDE RAID, CHi-Point Ide RAID, and CAHA adapter SCSI RAID.

The chips can be installed on the IDE bus of a server in minutes, Infotram says, much faster than a CD-ROM or Internet-based Linux installation. They can be expanded with support for PHP, MySQL, PHPNuke, OSC, and other web applications, and come with a website building tool from Infotram.

A web-based mangement tool provides full system control, according to Infotram, including an account manager, mail function setup, Website space setup, automated backup scheduling, and more.

Infotram says it offers full support for the chips, which are available now.

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