Isamu comes to Milano!
Oct 25, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsZaltbommel, Netherlands — (press release excerpt) — ACTIVE Exhibitions Europe announces the European Premiere of the Japanese built Humanoid Robot H7 (“Isamu”). The unique robot — with RTLinux inside — will be presented by Dr. Satoshi Kagami, Senior Research Scientist at the Digital Human Laboratory of the National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology of Tokyo, Japan during the international Embedded Linux Expo & Conference in Milan, Italy, November 26-29, 2001.
“Human-shaped robots are well-suited for operating within environments designed for real humans. In order to provide an experimental research platform for full-body integrated sensing and control, the prototype Humanoid Robot “H6” and “H7″ are currently being developed at the JSK Laboratory at the University of Tokyo,” said Dr. Kagami.
The humanoid robot “H7” is developed as a platform for the research on perception-action coupling in intelligent behavior of humanoid type robots. The H7 has the following features . . .
- Body which has enough DOFs and each joint has enough torque for full body motion,
- PC/AT compatible high-performance on-board computer which is controlled by RT-Linux so that low-level and high-level control is achieved simultaneously,
- Self-contained and connected to a network via radio Ethernet,
- Online walking trajectory generation with collision checking,
- Motion planning by 3D vision functions are available.
The Embedded Linux Expo & Conference and the Real-Time Expo & Conference are presented by ACTIVE Exhibitions Europe in collaboration with the Real-Time Linux Foundation and K Computing. The events take place on November 26-29, 2001 in Milan, Italy.
- Conferences, 27-28 November 2001 — Both conferences have the mission to bring you the latest and newest in the emerging embedded technologies. Visitors enjoy the benefits of two leading, top technology driven conferences for the rate of one. Registered participants are invited to choose from any track of both conferences to build the best suitable educational profile for their own needs.
- Tutorials, 26 & 29 November 2001 — Fundamental or advanced, theoretical or hands-on; all aspects of Linux are addressed during our one day intensive workshops. Presented by the international gurus of the Real-Time Linux Foundation and K Computing teamed up with very knowledgeable academic researchers. Our workshops address the latest and most urgent requirements of the Linux community.
- Kick Start, 27 & 28 November 2001 — The academic team of the Real-Time Linux Foundation offers intense two hours hands-on Linux sessions for all the conference participants. Registsred participants are urged to sign up fast for these Kick-Start sessions as places are limited!
- Exhibition, 27 & 28 November 2001 — Do you have questions about competing technologies? Would you like to compare products side-by-side? You are welcome to estimate offerings from a wide variety of companies representing an impressive array of technology solutions, giving you the opportunity to see in person, the solution that will work best for your project.
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