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Oct 3, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Who says you can't get something for nothing? has opened up the product listing area of its popular “Embedded Linux Portal” website for free product listings from companies in the Embedded Linux Market. Note: the listings are free — the products aren't necessarily free ;)

Effective immediately, all companies offering products or services that pertain to using Linux in embedded systems or devices are invited to submit Product Listings, at no charge. Free listings must be limited to 500 words in length, and may only include bullets, bold, and hyperlink formatting within the text. Longer listings, including the option of graphic images, are available to companies who become Sponsors.

Want to list a product? Submit your product listing here.

Please note: reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of a listing and/or to edit its content.

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