Visual voicemail client converts incoming messages to text
Dec 10, 2010 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsSilent Communication announced a visual voicemail product that will offer smartphone users text transcriptions of their voice messages. The “Silent VVM” client will support mobile operating systems including Android, and can be deployed by any mobile operator, the company claims.
Silent Communication's Silent VVM client appears to be an interesting option for smartphone owners who'd like to retrieve their voicemail in situations where audio playback is impractical. According to the company, its product uses voice recognition to provide a complete transcription, allowing users to see and manage their voicemail just as they would email or text messages.

Silent VVM converts incoming speech to text
Though the company didn't specify, we're confident Silent VVM (above) is designed to perform voice recognition using a carrier's servers, rather than bogging down a smartphone's CPU. The product may be deployed by "any mobile operator" and is pre-integrated with voicemail solutions from Acision, Alcatel Lucent, Converse, Ericsson, Streamwide, and Unisys, according to Silent Communications.
Silent Communications touts its Device and Network Agnostic (DANA) deployment technology, used to implement Silent VVM, as "serverless," but does not appear to provide additional technological background on its website. The company does claim DANA could allow service providers to roll out the solution to Android, BlackBerry, BREW, iOS, Java, Symbian, and Windows Mobile handsets simultaneously.
Frustratingly for those of us who've been wanting such a service, however, the company does not predict when a Silent VVM-based offering will become available, or from what carriers.
Further information
Silent Communication's product page for Silent VVM may be found here.
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