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Mar 9, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Newcomers to Linux are presented with many hurdles that they need to overcome before they can reap the benefits of this powerful operating system. Whilst there are many great resources for the Linux newbie, there exists a need for a simple checklist that answers many of the initial questions, whilst at the same time providing some sensible advice to get started.

The Checklist for Newbies is an attempt to help the beginner get Linux up and running. Nowadays Linux is no harder to install than any other operating system, but it does require a few simple precautions and a basic technical knowledge. We are constantly being asked for advice on this subject – what is the best Linux book for a newbie, which distribution should I buy, should I avoid certain types of hardware etc.

The Checklist for Newbies aims at providing the Linux newbie with some unbiased, practical advice. The document is a first draft – we welcome comments, thoughts and improvements from the Linux community.

Checklist for Newbies can be found at Suggestions should be emailed to [email protected]

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