Low-cost NAS gains USB ports, social net sync
Nov 20, 2009 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 3 viewsCloud Engines has released a new version of its Linux-based Pogoplug networked-attached storage (NAS) device, which uses the Marvell SheevaPlug reference design. The Pogoplug is larger and costs $30 more, but moves from one USB port to four, and adds new synchronization, multimedia sharing, and social networking integration features.
To make room for the four USB 2.0 ports, the chassis has been expanded, so instead of looking more or less like the popular Marvell SheevaPlug Plug Computer design, as did the previous version (shown farther below), it appears like a mini tower, complete with a pink plastic framework, which offers underside cooling, and guides the cables to reduce clutter (see image directly below). Instead of plugging directly into a wall socket, the larger device offers a power cable.

New Pogopug design (rear view)

Pogoplug (front view)

Original Pogoplug

New Pogoplug interface
(Click to enlarge)
Pogoplug is now available for pre-order from Cloud Engines for $130, with shipments expected by mid December. More information may be found here.
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