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New Real-time and Embedded Systems standards organization

Jun 1, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

On June 28, 2000 The Open Group will launch the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum. Following, is an announcement from The Open Group about the new organization . . .

We are actively seeking membership by all interested parties within the IT industry. Members joining prior to June 28th will be designated as Founder members. A five slide overview of the Forum is now available.

Today's marketplace for Real-time and Embedded Systems is growing at an exponential rate. Implementors of this technology face the same challenges: the need for fast, predictable, and bounded response to events such as interrupts and messages, and the ability to manage system resources to meet processing deadlines. However, few standards exist to address this marketplace and those that do fall short. This Forum intends to plug the gap, to bring together system developers and users, to build upon existing standards where they exist, evolve product standards that address market requirements, and develop tests and certification programs that deliver products meeting these requirements. Ultimately the vision of the Forum is to grow the marketplace through the development of standardized systems based on real product solutions.

The Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum will build profiles on existing specifications, extending them to address market requirements and deliver certification programs that address a broad range of market requirements: embedded and non-embedded, networked and standalone. Industry sectors that will benefit from the Forum include aerospace/defense, telecommunications, manufacturing, automotive and medical/scientific research.

Leveraging the depth and breadth of The Open Group's expertise in enterprise integration, this Forum brings together leading vendors of Real-time and Embedded solutions and products with corporate and government organizations who are customers for these technologies. Working collectively, the Forum members will tackle the key issues that will bring about multi-vendor choice and establish an open market. The potential scope of the forum includes operating system APIs, operating system profile product standards, quality of service and middleware issues such as Real-time CORBA. The Forum will work with appropriate industry groups as an independent broker and integrator to review existing specifications and requirements to ensure zero overlap or redundancy. These groups include but are not limited to OMG, SAE, IEEE/PASC, UDI CONSORTIUM, and NCITS R1.

Inaugural meeting

The inaugural meeting of the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum takes place from 27th-28th June, 2000, at The Four Seasons Hotel. The Forum commences on the evening of the 27th June with a reception, and concludes with a Barbecue on the evening of the 28th June. The main session is on Wednesday, June 28th, 2000.

We will have key speakers from the Real-time industry for the inaugural meeting outlining current trends in the industry and providing input to the Forum workplan. These include representatives from the following organizations: Boeing (Richard Paine), Wind River, QNX (Steve Furr), FSMLabs (Victor Yodaiken), LynuxWorks (Inder Singh), Venturcom (Myron Zimmerman), NCITS-R1 (Russ Richards), US Army (Bill Protzman), Mitre Corporation (Doug Jensen), OS JTF (Lt Col Glenn Logan, Curtis Royster), The Aerospace Corp (Sam Bowser) and others.

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