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Paris/Boston embedded computing conferences issue call for papers

Mar 8, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Andrew Josey of The Open Group has issued the following call for papers for upcoming sessions of the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum. Details are now online . . .

The Open Group has issued a call for papers for the Paris in April and Boston in July sessions of the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum. The submission deadline for the Paris conference is March 15th. The call for papers is available here.

We are looking for papers on the following topics:

  • Safe Embedded Systems
  • Implementation experiences of Safety Critical Systems
  • High reliability and safety critical real-time applications
  • Tools for designing and building
  • Safe Systems Conformance testing of Real-time Profiles
  • Real-time Application Interfaces
  • CORBA Real-time
  • Real-time Java
  • Real-time Linux
  • Embedded Linux
  • New real-time APIs
  • Uniform Driver Interface
  • Real-time for object-oriented programming
  • Real-time Security
  • Real-time for the Windows operating system
Future meeting schedule for the forum is as follows:
  • Week commencing April 8, Paris, France, Forum Meeting
  • Week commencing July 21-26, Boston, USA, Forum Meeting
  • Week commencing October 21-25, Cannes, France, Forum Meeting
More details are available here. Materials from our most recent meeting are here.

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