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Report from the 2nd Embedded Linux Expo and Conference

Nov 4, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views's Rick Lehrbaum attended the 2nd Embedded Linux Expo & Conference in Westborough, MA last week, and filed this report. Included are the slide presentations from most of the technical talks, plus a review of the newly added full-day embedded Linux hands-on workshop (in which the participants learned how to create an Embedded Linux based mp3 player appliance). Lehrbaum writes . . .

“I suspect it will come as no surprise that the second Embedded Linux Expo & Conference (ELEC), held October 27, 2000 in Westborough, MA (near Boston), was another great success! As in the case of last June's ELEC, the event was well attended from both the attendee and exhibitor perspective, and the day was permeated by a clear sense that Embedded Linux is truly 'a market on fire'. . . “

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