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Second annual Real Time Linux Workshop announced

Jul 1, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The date and location for the second annual Real Time Linux Workshop have been announced. This year's event will take part as part of the Workshop on Real Time Operating Systems and Applications, which is being held November 27-28, 2000 in Orlando, Florida.

Following the first real-time Linux workshop in Vienna last December, a decision was made to expand this year's workshop to encompass all flavors of real-time operating systems. The event's goal is to bring together developers and users, make presentations on new developments, discuss “real” user demand, and get to know those anonymous people that only exist as email addresses on mailing-list archives. There is also a plan to launch a new Real Time Linux Consortium during the workshop.

Call for Papers

The program committee is soliciting three types of papers: first, papers on industrial applications of real-time operating systems, especially based on open source operating systems such as Linux; second, position papers by developers of real-time variants of Linux, such as RTLinux or RTAI; and third, comparisons of the competing RTOSes. Schedule:

    Deadline for abstracts: July 30, 2000
    Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2000
    Deadline for full paper: September 30, 2000
Send abstracts to: [email protected]

Related stories:
Real Time Linux Gurus Take Linux to the Next Level
Real Time Linux Workshop: Day 1
Real Time Linux Workshop in Vienna, AUSTRIA

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