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The 2002 O’Reilly Open Source Convention

Apr 12, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Sebastopol, CA — (press releae excerpt) — Registration has just opened for the 2002 O'Reilly Open Source Convention, one of the most anticipated annual technical
conferences for the open source community. Creators, practitioners, and hackers come together once again at the Sheraton Hotel and Marina in sunny San Diego, California, July 22-26, 2002.

The O'Reilly Open Source Convention distills open source values into programs designed to share information, transfer skills, and integrate grassroots organizations and prime movers into the burgeoning open source community. The 2002 Convention will be juiced by all the
sessions, personalities, and events that perennial conventioneers have come to expect, including:

  • Thought-provoking keynote presentations by legal conscience Lawrence Lessig, and by the leader of the free software movement, Richard Stallman.
  • This year's convention highlights the open source aspects of bioinformatics, with keynote addresses slated from Ewan Birney and James Kent.
  • Bioinformatician Lincoln Stein offers a “Network Programming with Perl” tutorial.
  • James Duncan Davidson describes the best of many worlds with an “Open Source and Java: Lessons from the Apache Experience” presentation.
  • Mono project leader Miguel de Icaza explains how to develop an application in the open source implementation of Microsoft's Common Language Runtime.
  • Python tamer Guido van Rossum delivers a “State of the Python Union” address.

Conferences within the Convention

  • Perl Conference 6
    Perl legends and great entertainers Larry Wall and Damian Conway introduce Perl 6, the latest edition of the leading general purpose scripting language. Participants in this conference focus on the here-and-now (Perl 5, new modules, XML and web services) as well as the future (Perl 6 and Parrot).
  • PHP Conference 2
    Responsible for over 7 million domains, PHP is a leading open source development language. The conference showcases PHP and Unix, Windows, Apache, security, new developments, case studies, large-scale applications development, and best practices. Go to “PHP 4.1 and Beyond” with Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP Project founder.
  • XTech2002 XML Conference
    XML is the key to that new buzz phrase, web services. This conference cuts through the hype by covering present essentials, as well as what's coming down the pike: web services, topic maps, integration with relational databases, parsing, transformations, SVG, and standards and schemas.
Featured Tracks
  • Python, with an emphasis on Zope
  • Apache Web Server, specifically 2.0, modules, configuration, and performance tuning
  • Java, featuring Jakarta, Jserv, Ant, and Jboss
  • Operating Systems: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OS X
  • Databases, focusing on MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redhat B, SAPDB, Berkeley DB
  • Emerging topics, such as gaming, shared source and government projects

For the first time, Apple has signed on as a Platinum Sponsor. For more information regarding exhibition or sponsorship opportunities at the convention, contact Andrew Calvo at 707-827-7176, or [email protected]

This article was originally published on and has been donated to the open source community by QuinStreet Inc. Please visit for up-to-date news and articles about Linux and open source.

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