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Archive for March, 2001

Lineo acquisition targets emerging $21B DTV market

March 6, 2001

Lindon, UT — (press release excerpt) — Lineo, Inc. today announced it has obtained a signed letter of intent to acquire Convergence Integrated Media. Convergence is a leading developer of operating systems and software for digital communications products, such as personal video recorders (PVR) and digital versatile disk (DVD) devices. (more…)

Lineo resumes acquisition spree

March 6, 2001

By Stephen Shankland; Special to ZDNet . . .

Lineo has bolstered its effort to push its version of Linux into set-top boxes and other nontraditional computing devices, announcing a plan to acquire Convergence Integrated Media. (more…)

Sun Releases J2ME for Linux [SDTimes]

March 5, 2001

In this SDTimes article, Edward J. Correia offers some perspective on the release by Sun Microsystems of the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition for Linux. Correia writes . . . (more…)

Sharp’s Linux PDA plans emerge

March 5, 2001

Bloomberg News reports that Sharp Electronics, which leads Japan's market for handheld electronic organizers, has said it will challenge Palm and Microsoft on their home turf by introducing a device running Linux . . . (more…)

Sharp announces Linux-based PDA

March 5, 2001

Will Knight, of ZDNet UK, reports that Japanese manufacturing giant Sharp Electronics has announced plans to introduce a Linux-based PDA. Knight writes . . . (more…)

Partnership supports SBC-based embedded Linux designs

March 5, 2001

Santa Ana, CA — (press release excerpt) — REDSonic, Inc. today announced a partnership with Ampro Computers to provide complete, Linux solutions for the embedded marketplace. The strategic alliance will provide the embedded community with total software-integrated single-board computer (SBC) hardware solutions that facilitate an accelerated product time-to-market. (more…)

New development kit for StrongARM/Linux embedded designs

March 5, 2001

Embedone has announced a new development board for designers of Linux and StrongARM based embedded systems. The EM-110 development board is based on an Intel StrongARM SA-110 CPU and boasts high performance, low power consumption, and low heat generation. These qualities are important elements of many of tomorrow's mobile, Internet-enabled, post-PC devices. (more…)

IBM launches “Peace, Love, Linux” promotion

March 5, 2001

IBM has just begun an intriguing promotional campaign which features the rallying cry: “Peace, Love, Linux.” You can view the first of this new series of major IBM Linux promotions, an online presentation. (more…)

Linux-based eKa SOHO gateway

March 5, 2001

Christchurch, New Zealand — (press release) — Kiwi-Classifieds Limited (KCL) announces the introduction of the eKa SOHO Gateway, a new Linux based gateway product for Small Office Home Office (SOHO) environments. This low cost device facilitates connectivity between most information devices, including the Palm/Pocket PC, ADSL modems, Wireless LANs, Home networking peripherals, and much more . (more…)

Article: Using GPL software in embedded applications

March 4, 2001

Wind River's worries

In a recent article in Integrated Communications Design, Mike Downing interviews Curt Schacker, vice president of corporate marketing for Wind River Systems. (more…)

Using GPL software in embedded applications

March 4, 2001

This article by Jerry Epplin sheds some light on the issues associated with using GPL software in embedded applications, and attempts to dispel the “FUD” (“Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt”) being propagated by some competitors to Linux. Epplin explains what is required to strictly comply with the GPL, defines and discusses the distinctions between static and dynamic drivers and modules, and points out a gray… (more…)

Report from Bluetooth North America 2001

March 3, 2001

Robert La Quey attended the annual Bluetooth conference held in San Diego, CA last week and filed this report on the status of the Bluetooth market and some issues relative to Embedded Linux support for Bluetooth. La Quey writes . . . (more…)

ELJonline: March 2001 Table of Contents

March 2, 2001


Article: Report from Bluetooth North America 2001

March 2, 2001

The Bluetooth North America 2001 conference was presented by the World Research Group at San Diego February 21-22, 2001. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group includes Promoter companies 3Com, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Lucent, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, and… (more…)

Article: Device profile: Ericsson’s Bluetooth “blip”

March 2, 2001

Coming soon, to a public location near you?

Ericsson Business Innovation has announced the “blip,” a small self-contained device that communicates wirelessly with mobile phones, PDAs, and other kinds of mobile devices that are equipped with Bluetooth short-range wireless technology. (more…)