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Archive for April, 2002

REDSonic adds RTLinux to product lineup

April 16, 2002

Santa Ana, CA. — (press release excerpt)– Finite State Machine Labs (FSMLabs) and REDSonic have agreed to integrate RTLinux/Pro into REDSonic's product mix including the REDSonic's RED-Builder development and deployment tool. (more…)

Wireless Linux: Putting Wireless to Work [O’Reilly]

April 16, 2002

David HM Spector examines the state of Linux for wireless networks in this series at O'Reilly. Spector writes . . . (more…)

Microsoft expo tunes into the home [CNET]

April 16, 2002

CNET's technology editor Stephen Shankland reports on what is expected to take place at this week's Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC), hosted by Microsoft in Seattle, WA. Shankland says the following key topics and technologies are on the WinHEC agenda . . .

  • New software components to enable true peer-to-peer application development on Windows
  • Version 2 of… (more…)

Introducing a new Windows-PC peripheral: the remote control

April 16, 2002

Seattle, WA — (press release excerpt) — Today at the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2002, Royal Philips Electronics and Microsoft Corp. announced that they have entered into a strategic agreement aimed at introducing a new Microsoft Windows operating system peripheral: the remote control. (more…)

PCs: Redefining ‘entertainment’ [CNET]

April 15, 2002

CNET editors Michael Kanellos and David Becker report on a new Microsoft technology that will soon start showing up on high-end Windows-based PCs: Freestyle. With features similar to the successful embedded Linux powered TiVo including remote control, Freestyle targets the emerging digital video entertainment space. Kanellos and Becker write . . . (more…)

About the new Linux USB Device support

April 15, 2002

Lineo has released Linux USB Device software, which was developed to support the Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA, under the GNU GPL open source license. The software, which provides a “stack” which implements USB Devices under Linux, can be freely downloaded from Lineo's open source website. (more…)

ZF Micro changes name, requests ZFx86 SOC last-time-buy

April 15, 2002

According to a letter to customers at ZF Micro Devices Inc.'s website, the company ceased business on February 28, 2002, and has been acquired by a new company called “ZF Micro Solutions”, founded in February 2002. (more…)

The making of de facto standards [ZDNet]

April 15, 2002

ZDNet's David Berlind examines IBM and Microsoft sponsored XML-based web protocols, and questions the lack of an 'independent standards body' governing these de facto standards, royalties, and more. Berlind writes . . . (more…)

The Microsoft penalty that isn’t [CNET]

April 15, 2002

In this guest editorial, Bruce Perens offers his perspective on the Microsoft antitrust settlement with the Justice Department and nine states. Perens describes how Microsoft initially promised to open up technology that would allow competing products to interoperate with Windows, but backed away by creating new licensing in response. Perens writes . . . (more…)

About the new Linux USB Device support

April 15, 2002

Lineo has released Linux USB Device software, which was developed to support the Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA, under the GNU GPL open source license. The software can be freely downloaded from Lineo's open source website. (more…)

Linux-Kongress 2002: Call for Papers

April 14, 2002

Linux-Kongress 2002 has announced a Call for Papers for the 9th International Linux System Technology Conference to be held September 4-6, 2002 in Cologne, Germany, as well as the overall schedule of the event itself. The 9th Linux-Kongress 2002 will take place from September 4 to September 6, 2002, at the University of Cologne in Germany. (more…)

Lineo gets new funding and hopes for profit by summer [Newsforge]

April 13, 2002

Writing at Newsforge, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols interviews Lineo CEO Matt Harris about Lineo's new funding and the future of the company. Vaughan-Nichols writes . . . (more…)

A sneak preview of Musenki’s new wireless access point

April 12, 2002 founder and executive editor Rick Lehrbaum offers an exclusive sneak preview of Musenki's new wireless access point which is slated to ship to beta customers on Monday, April 15. In this interview, Musenki founders Jim Thompson and Kem McClelland describe the young company's soon-to-be shipped products, discuss the company's vision, and credit Linux and other open source software with… (more…)

ZDNet Review: Sharp Zaurus SL-5500

April 12, 2002

Reviewing the new Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 for ZDNet, Colin Duwe examines the benefits of Linux in the device. Proclaiming the new PDA a 'budding competitor' Duwe writes . . . (more…)

GNU Bayonne release 0.8 announced

April 12, 2002

A message from the GNU Bayonne project . . .

Dave Sugar, a GNU package maintainer, announced the 8th major release of GNU Bayonne, Free Software for development of enterprise and carrier class applications for the public telephone network. With this release, we have standardized GNU Bayonne as an environment for delivering new and innovative telephony solutions using GNU/Linux and we look… (more…)