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Call for Papers: Embedded Linux conference Dallas

Mar 16, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Clemente, CA — (press release excerpt) — The RTC Group announces a Call for Papers for its Embedded Linux Expo & Conference (ELEC) scheduled on June 11, 2002 in Dallas, Texas. ELEC is a focused event featuring conference presentations from high-level experts, as well as a showcase for new products and solutions from software and hardware… vendors in the exhibition hall. Having selected the Omni Richardson Hotel as its venue, the single-day event boasts of one convenient gathering with technical news:

Presentations are to be given by Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), or equivalent senior technical experts, and should focus on technical issues associated with integrating Linux and Linux-related technologies into embedded system applications. Priority will be given to selecting presentations that offer immediate technical value to the attendees and assist in better understanding issues, challenges, processes, and techniques that can be used to successfully and rapidly develop Linux-based embedded systems.

Suggested topics include . . .

  • Development of Board Support Packages for Embedded Linux Platforms
  • Scaling Linux to meet embedded system resource constraints
  • Moving legacy embedded code to Linux
  • Graphical user interface considerations and options
  • Non-stop operation for critical systems
  • Combining Java with Linux
  • Taking advantage of post-PC alternatives to the “x86” architecture
  • Using host-based tools for embedded Linux development
  • Satisfying the real-time response requirements of real-world applications
  • Considerations and techniques associated with embedding Internet connectivity
  • Flash memory in Linux-based embedded devices
  • Open-source business models

All submissions will be reviewed and chosen by a designated committee headed by the event Technical Chairperson, Kevin Dankwardt of K Computing. Product pitches or product-related presentations are not accepted.

Abstracts of proposed presentations meeting the above criteria need to be submitted no later than April 4, 2002. Please submit via email to Kevin Dankwardt or Sally Bixby, Event Manager at email.

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