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New Sylvania Internet/TV has “Linux inside”

Mar 8, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 4 views

This new TV set from Sylvania Computer Products represents the first in a new product category: the Internet/TV. It contains a built-in x86-based Internet appliance, provides an SVGA-resolution display (800 x 600), and has interface connectors for video, audio, phone line, and Ethernet. Its embedded operating system? Linux, of course!

Rick Lehrbaum writes . . .

“This Summer, Sylvania Computer Products will introduce a new 27-inch digital TV that combines the functions of a TV with those of an Internet appliance. The device, which owes its internal intelligence to a single-chip PC (a National Semiconductor Geode) running an embedded Linux operating system, marks a key milestone in the television industry by being one of the first consumer TVs to include a built-in Internet appliance. Call it the dawn of the 'Internet/TV.' “

“The new Sylvania Model SPC2700iHD Internet/TV is the product of a collaboration with Ch.1 Inc. (Santa Ana, CA), a company which has developed an embeddable Internet appliance subsystem for next generation digital TVs. Ch.1 plans to license this technology, known as the 'Ch.1 Platform,' to as many TV manufacturers as possible. Similar products are expected to be introduced, also in the Summer 2001 timeframe, by both Panasonic and Zenith.

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