Article: The Giant Penguin… and The Teeny Weeny Webserver
Jun 1, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 viewsI just spent a couple of days at this year's Applied Computing Conference, held in San Jose, CA. New this year, were several presentations on embedded Linux (see below *). But beyond that not-so-surprising occurrence, there were two things — one very large, and one very small — that REALLY caught my attention . . .
Thing 1: the GIANT PENGUIN — I've got to say, the most memorable moment of the conference (for me, at least) was stepping into the exhibit hall and seeing an enormous blow-up Tux hovering above MontaVista's booth. Yes, folks, Linux has certainly arrived in the embedded systems market! Just so you don't think I'm making this up, here's a picture of what may well be the world's largest Penguin — shown with its father, MontaVista founder Jim Ready:
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* Applied Computing Conference to feature Linux talks
StrongARM-based Embedded Linux reference platform
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