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Archive for July, 2000

Consumer devices plugging into the Internet

July 6, 2000

“Soon, we all may be living a life much like George Jetson, who in his cartoon world could tell his oven what he wanted to eat and, poof, dinner was served,” writes eWEEK editor Matt Hicks. Hicks takes a look at the coming world of smart interconnected gadgets, and ponders the challenges of getting Web content from — and into — everyday consumer appliances. (more…)

Indrema: a Linux based high-end game console — and more

July 6, 2000

This article, by founder Rick Lehrbaum, takes a close look at a new consumer entertainment system that's based on embedded Linux. By taking advantage of open source software and creating an open gaming development community, a startup called Indrema plans to create a revolution in the high-end game console market. Lehrbaum writes . . . (more…)

Why we need Debian

July 5, 2000

In this opinion column, ZDNet Linux editor Evan Leibovitch, discusses his belief that Debian provides an important counterbalance to the growing commercial involvement in open source. Leibovitch writes . . . (more…)

Lineo releases 1-floppy real-time Linux mini-distro

July 5, 2000

(updated July 5, 2000) Lineo has released AtomicRTAI, a working real-time Linux distribution that fits on a single floppy diskette. AtomicRTAI builds upon an earlier single floppy real-time distribution previously released by Zentropix in May, 1999. AtomicRTAI includes the latest version of RTAI with auto-clock detection, combined with performance measurement tools and several programs that demonstrate… (more…)

Article: Indrema: a Linux based high-end game console — and more

July 3, 2000

“The future of Linux is on your TV,” proclaimed the Indrema website. Reading further, I was informed that the Indrema entertainment system would be a “revolutionary product built on a revolutionary operating system, Linux.” An easy-to-use, entertainment appliance: “Just turn it on, and sit back on your couch.” (more…)

PenguinRadio receives strong equity signal

July 3, 2000

PenguinRadio has received a commitment for a substantial equity investment in connection with a wide-ranging deal to develop next generation Internet audio services and Linux-based Internet appliances. (more…)

Industry’s first PMC AGP video module supports Linux

July 3, 2000

General Micro Systems says it has developed the industry's first PMC (PCI Mezzanine Card) video graphics card that implements an AGP video bus interface. The AGP port is implemented using undefined pins on the same J1 and J2 connectors that are used to implement the PCI bus. PMC modules provide modular system expansion on VMEbus and CompactPCI processor boards. (more…)

Opening handhelds

July 3, 2000

Jason Brooks, writing for eWEEK, reports on a handful of efforts to port Linux to handheld devices including PDAs and tablets. Key players in this effort are Compaq, Hitachi, Acer, Samsung, and NEC. These activities are certain to accelerate the use of embedded Linux in an even broader range of embedded applications. (more…)

Second annual Real Time Linux Workshop announced

July 1, 2000

The date and location for the second annual Real Time Linux Workshop have been announced. This year's event will take part as part of the Workshop on Real Time Operating Systems and Applications, which is being held November 27-28, 2000 in Orlando, Florida. (more…)