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Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum materials online

Nov 5, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Andrew Josey, of the Open Group, submitted this status report on the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum . . .

Materials from the latest meeting (Washington DC ) are now available here. Materials from previous meetings are available here.

The schedule for the next two meetings is as follows:

  • February 6-8 2001, Doubletree Hotel San Jose, CA
  • April 21 Berlin, Germany
The call for papers for the February meeting has now closed and the proposals
are now being reviewed by the program committee. We expect to post the agenda with speaker lineup before the end of November. An outline agenda for the February meeting is now available here.

Notable news items:

  • Four working groups have been formed as a result of the Washington meeting, these are a Certification group, a Profiles group, a Security group and a Windows Interest Group. For more information on the working groups please contact Andrew Josey.

  • The test suite for IEEE Std 1003.1q-2000 (Tracing) is now generally available. This completes the additional test suites for recent POSIX amendments since POSIX.1-1996. In total three additional test suites are now available (for IEEE Std 1003.1d-1999, IEEE Std 1003.1j-2000 and IEEE Std 1003.1q-2000). These test suites are available to license either as part of the membership entitlement for Forum members or separately for non-members. For more information on licensing the test suites please contact Andrew Josey.

  • Other news items on the Real-time and Embedded Systems Forum can be found here.

  • Recent new members to the Forum include: Sun Microsystems Inc.; FDS Embedded Systems Co. Ltd. The members list for the forum is here.
A one page overview of the Forum, including why the existing members have joined the forum can be found here.

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